Thursday, November 29, 2012

11 Ways To Lift Your Spirits


If you’ve been interested in developing your spiritual growth for a while, you’ve probably read countless articles or books on the topic. While learning about chakras, karma cleansing, and the teachings of the Dalai Lama are fantastic ways to develop your spiritual knowledge on a metaphysical level, the knowledge is only useful if we are able to apply it on a practical, realistic earthly level in our day-to-day lives, as well.

There are challenging spiritual lessons we all must practice in order to master, such as learning to forgive your worst enemy or returning a rude driver’s angry glare with a smile - but there are also more fun ways to raise your spirits and feel great about life.

Here are things you can do to raise your spiritual vibration without joining a monastery, shaving your head, and taking a vow of silence.

  1. Listen to great music. Music has been described as the language of the angels. Tuning into uplifting, feel good music from your favorite recording artist touches your soul and raises your spirit.
  2. Dance, Dance, Dance. This, of course, ties in directly with step one. Turn your favorite boogie-woogie song UP, kick your shoes off, and dance around the living room in your underwear. Just be sure to close the window blinds first.
  3. A Soothing Bath. Showers feel great, but when was the last time you relaxed your body in a nice, warm bubble bath? Be sure to light a few candles, turn off the lights and enjoy the ambience. Don’t forget some relaxing music and maybe a good book.
  4. Bang on the drums. Don’t own a drum set? Get yourself a five gallon plastic bucket, turn it upside down, and grab a couple of sticks. Release stress and get your spirit groove on at the same time.
  5. Laugh at yourself. A great way to lighten your mood is by not taking yourself too seriously. We’re all spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around. This life isn’t permanent and neither is your job title, your position as the softball team captain, or the chip in your car’s paint job. Get over the serious stuff and enjoy a good laugh!
  6. Call an old friend. It’s been said that there is no friend like an old friend. Your oldest friends have seen you at your worst behavior, as well as your best, and still love and accept you anyhow. Feeling a little lost and alone? Best friends know just how to pull you out of your funk better than anyone.
  7. Read a good book. What better way to connect with your spirit than by reading an entertaining book about spirituality? Lighten Up explains how to do just that, by teaching ways you can live more happily. 
  8. Write down your thoughts. Got a heavy thought that’s been wracking your brain for weeks, months, or even years? Get it out of your head and onto paper. Writing is an excellent way to recapture the moment. Whether that moment was pleasant or unpleasant, revisiting the experience and putting pen to paper can help put the past behind you for good. There’s something magical about writing down your deepest thoughts and feelings and you feel better about yourself.
  9. Play with your dog. Nobody enjoys playing the fool better than man’s best friend. Throw a stick, play hide and seek, or lay face down on the floor and play dead, while your fun-loving pet licks your ears and runs circles around you. You’ll soon forget your troubles, find yourself laughing at Bowser’s crazy antics, and literally feel your spirit lighten up like a Las Vegas billboard.
  10. Nature calls. No, not in that way. Get outside and become one with nature for an hour or two. Find a state park and walk the nature trail or head for the beach, listen to the waves crashing and breathe in the smell of the salt air. I don’t know about you, but every time I stare at the ocean I want to put on an eye patch, a pirate hat and set sail for the Seven Seas. Arrggggh!
  11. Chocolate. As you can see, we’ve saved the best for last. Eat chocolate in small bites. Take the time to allow your senses to savor the flavor and truly enjoy the moment. Here are a couple of fun facts about chocolate. It stimulates endorphin production, which gives a feeling of pleasure. Chocolate also contains serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant. Plus, it tastes delicious, at least to us chocolate lovers. Combine the three and you’ve just scored a spirit lifting trifecta.

Much like pets and dancing and chocolate, life is to be enjoyed! Dance in your underwear with your dog while eating chocolate. Go ahead, you know you want to!

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